Jacques Wei 2021 秋冬成衣系列

[ 上海 ] 2021-04-14 编辑:aurora


Jacques Wei 2021 秋冬成衣系列讲述了引人入胜的70年代。摩登的鸡尾酒晚会,时髦放纵的俱乐部文化,恍如那身处于美好年代的资产阶级女孩 ,带着恣意而率性向你走来。半个世纪前的音乐、艺术、家具设计都是灵感的来源点 ,优雅和狂野,秩序和浪漫,美妙的碰撞。


该系列从70年代的复古色调到装饰艺术风格的各种形式。Jacques使用深浅不一的米色,黑色和白色的大胆对比,点缀着星星点点的蓝色、金色。带着木纹肌理和动物纹路的织物,灵缇图案重复跃于皮革和印花之间。繁复的花朵纹饰蔓延在妙艳的丝缎和绒面革上,而发光的金属织物,编织工艺和精致的花边细节巧妙地强调了剪裁的轮廓。编结艺术的斗篷和流苏装饰的下摆,与金色烟花刺绣相互呼应,半个世纪前激情与动荡延续在此次的秋冬秀场上 。


Press Release:


JACQUES WEI 2021 Autumn-Winter collection chapters the compelling romanticism: the contradictions of order and wild love of the 70s. Lavish spending on cocktail parties, the indulgence of underground club culture defines the bourgeois girl of the Belle Époque willfully and recklessly marking the bold transitional fashion culture of the era. Elements of music, art, and furniture from half a century ago were conceived to create elegant and wild, orderly but romantic collisions. 


This collection took various forms of inspiration from the retro tones to art deco decor of the 70s. Jacques used shades of beige, bold contrast of black and white colors, and detailed specks of blue and gold for modesty. Fabrics of wood grain texture, animal prints, and greyhound patterns were used repeatedly in unity with leather and suede. Intricate flower prints in entanglement of colors spread through delicate silk satin and printed suede while luminous metallic fabric, woven techniques, and intricate lace details cleverly emphasized the tailored silhouettes. Macramé art, tassel decorated hems echo the exquisite gold embroidery to dawn the elegancy and enthusiasm of this collection.  

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